
Icon marks position on Map


By Train - Nearest Underground Station is Holborn Station (Central Line or Piccadilly Line)

By Bus - Bus routes of buses stopping at Holborn 171 521 59 68 188 X68 1 91 168 243 242 8 25 19 38 55

By Car - Parking available at Drury Lane Car Park, Parker Street (Off Drury Lane)


About Freemasonry

Square & Compass

Freemasonry is the world's largest secular fraternity for free-thinking men. To learn more about the Craft there is an educational institution for the independent study of Freemasonry and the traditions linked to it, and of mystical and esoteric traditions worldwide... Learn more...

Where we meet

Address: Freemason’s Hall
60 Great Queen Street
United Kingdom

Map and Directions
